(937) 901-8727 info@coerverohio.com

Player Development

Programs for All Ages

NEW: Includes your online player profile to track progress


Summer Camps

Ages 4-18

Weeklong off-season camps.
Early Bird enroll by 4/1!


Performance Academy

Ages 7-15

Serious fun for competitive-level individuals who desire to rapidly improve their skills.


Center of Excellence

Ages 10-17

Invite-only program for advanced & elite-level soccer players.


First Skills

Ages 2-7

Get the best start in soccer. Fun, learning, and safety are the priority.


Partner Clubs & Team Training

Club and team solutions for players and coaches.


Individual & Small Group Training

Tell us your goals and we can design a program unique to your player.


Goalkeeping camp and Performance Academy programs will focus on the technical, tactical, physical and mental skills required to play this pressurized position. This individual development program works on the Coerver 5 S’s to achieve their greatest potential and become an effective team player.


Not sure where to start?

We can help with that!

Our team would be happy to recommend the program that’s the best fit for your player’s unique goals and skill set. Email us at info@coerverohio.com to start a conversation today.

Your Player Will Get:


Player Progress Tracker

You and your players will have access to a player profile to see and discuss strengths and improving abilities after each camp or program.

Increased Competitive Spirit

Your player will improve quicker within our competitive curriculum to challenge their current ability as well as against skilled opponents. Competition is at the core of everything your player will do in our programs.

More Risk Taking

Your player will fail fast to learn from their mistakes and develop quicker. Coaches will offer positive encouragement so your player will step outside their comfort zone.
Player Benefits

What to Expect

  • Improve your soccer skills, whatever your position or ability
  • Learn how to use the skills of the world’s greatest soccer players
  • Increase your speed, with and without the ball
  • Look forward to practice and have fun playing, regardless of ability

From Top Soccer Organizations

“I was appointed by Sir Alex Ferguson as a Technical Coach of Manchester United because I was a Coerver® Coach. He and I feel that the Coerver® Coaching program is the top way if teaching technical skills.”

Rene Muelensteen

Former First Team Coach,

“The Science that supports the Coerver Coaching Method is compelling. I know of no other Football Teaching System in the World that can compare with the benefits that Coerver Coaching can have for young players of all abilities.”

Dr. Peter Bain, MA MD FRCP

Consultant in Clinical Neurology, IMPERiAL COLLEGE LONDON
“We at Arsenal are strong believers in the Coerver Program. We have worked closely with Alf Galustian for the past 16 years to instruct our Academy Coaches in this Method.”

Liam Brady

Former ARSENAL Academy Director

Tactics last for a game. Technique is for a lifetime!

New doors will open once your player increases their technical soccer skills.

No matter your players level, age or size, this is a universal truth. Serious fun leads to enjoyment. Enjoyment leads to more focus. More focus leads to desire to improve. Desire to improve leads to refining skills. Refining skills leads to building confidence. Having the confidence to play authentically within a team….well, this is just the beginning of your players’ journey!